Gender Selection

Gender Selection

What is a Gender Selection?

Gender Selection is a procedure that allows parent (s) to choose the sex of the baby. The selection of the gender of a baby – also referred to as family balancing – is available to RFC patients through IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT).

How Gender Selection Works

  • Females have 46 XX chromosomes while males have 46 XY chromosomes.
  • An egg only contributes the X chromosome to the fertilized embryo.
  • A sperm can carry either the X or the Y chromosome.
  • The presence of the Y chromosome in the sperm will create a male baby (XY).
  • Two X chromosomes – one X from the sperm and one X from the egg – will produce a girl baby (XX).

Gender Selection in Conjunction with IVF Procedure

PGT testing takes place in conjunction with IVF. The eggs collected and sperm are incubated together for 5 days to make fully developed embryos that usually contain 100-200 cells. Here are the steps:

  • 3-6 cells are removed from the embryo by a highly skilled embryologist using a laser and a microscopic glass needle.
  • The biopsy removing the cell from the outside of the embryo does not damage the inside of the embryo that develops into a baby.
  • The 3-6 cells genetic makeup and gender is analyzed by a genetic company with advanced technology.
  • A decision is made as to the gender of each embryo.
  • Embryo of the desired sex is transferred back into the uterus.