COVID-19 Raises the Risk of Birth Complications for Pregnant people Who Develop the Disease
Congratulations! Rejuvenating Fertility Center and Dr. Marco Mouanness were featured in the “Health News” section of Healthline , which went live on November 30, 2021.
In the feature entitled “COVID-19 Raises the Risk of Birth Complications for Pregnant people Who Develop the Disease,” Dr. Mouanness discussed pregnant woman and COVID-19, and vaccine hesitancy. Dr. Mouanness stated, “At the beginning of the pandemic, most of the research was pointing (toward the idea that) COVID-19 does not increase adverse pregnancy outcomes. [But new research shows] contracting COVID-19 might cause them to have adverse pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage or preterm birth.”
The feature credited Dr. Mouanness as a physician at Rejuvenating Fertility Center, along with including the direct link to RFC’s website.
*Please note that SHP just received the link for this article.
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Healthline is a website dedicated to providing up to date health information on a wide range of medical topics. The website receives 140,371,194 unique visitors per month.
The feature can be viewed online at: