Ovarian Rejuvenations: 1.PRP and 2.ADIPOSE-PRP
Why Ovarian Rejuvenation?
Women always have eggs inside their ovaries but a lot of these eggs are dormant. Even postmenopausal women still have on average 1,000 dormant eggs inside their ovaries. Ovarian rejuvenation is a newly pioneered procedure intended to reawaken egg maturation and development within the ovary and potentially improve egg quality. Rejuvenation Therapy could be used to achieve pregnancy in women with Low Ovarian Reserve, women with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), and women with early menopause.

- You have Low Ovarian Reserve: low AMH or high FSH levels
- You have poor egg quality
- You have poor embryo quality
- You are having early menopause
- You have Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
Ovarian Rejuvenation is a cutting-edge fertility procedure that is still considered experimental but offers new hope to a lot of women.
At RFC, after 10 years of research, we are:
1. The FIRST in the NORTHEAST to offer PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Ovarian Rejuvenation
2.The FIRST in the U.S.A. to offer Adipose-PRP Ovarian Rejuvenation

First type: PRP Ovarian Rejuvenation procedure:
You need to stay in the office for 1.5 hours. It is a minimally invasive vaginal procedure and you are usually given anesthesia so you will not feel any pain. The steps are:

Step 1: Come to office and we will take blood from your forearm (5 minutes)
Step 2: The blood is taken to the lab for PRP preparation (approximately 1 hour)
Step 3: The injection inside the ovaries vaginally under ultrasound guidance after the anesthesiologist makes you comfortable (25 minutes)
Following the procedure, we will ask you to monitor weekly (blood hormones + vaginal ultrasound) for 2-8 weeks. The vaginal ultrasound is also performed at the time of the blood test in order to count the number of follicles inside the ovaries.
Fat is removed from the belly by mini-liposuction. The reasons RFC chose adipose (fat) are because fat:
- Is easily accessible and contains stem cells
- Has been studied in humans and proven to be safe
- Can differentiate into “new” younger eggs that can get fertilized to form embryos – allowing parents to transfer their DNA to their children
- Has low immunogenicity, meaning the body rarely tries to reject them as “foreign”
- The stem cells-containing fat is added to the PRP = “adipose + PRP” then injected inside the ovaries or the uterus.

Second Type: ADIPOSE-PRP Ovarian Rejuvenation procedure:
You need to stay in the office for 2 hours. It is a minimally invasive vaginal procedure and you are usually given anesthesia so you will not feel any pain. The steps are:

Step 1: Come to office and we will take blood from your forearm to prepare the PRP (1 hour)
Step 2: Non-invasive mini liposuction from the belly would be performed (very tiny hole, less than 1 cm). The stem cells
will be extracted from the adipose tissue and added to your PRP (approximately 35 minutes)
Step 3: The injection of the Adipose + PRP together inside the ovaries vaginally under ultrasound guidance after the anesthesiologist makes you comfortable (25 minutes)
Following the procedure, we will ask you to monitor weekly (blood hormones + vaginal ultrasound) for 2-8 weeks. The vaginal ultrasound is also performed at the time of the blood test in order to count the number of follicles inside the ovaries.

- Zaher Merhi and Marco Mouanness. Intraovarian platelet-rich plasma administration could improve blastocyst euploidy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization. Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2022;49:210-214.
- Zaher Merhi and Marco Mouanness. Intraovarian Platelet-Rich Plasma administration Induced Spontaneous Ovulation in an Anovulatory Woman with PCOS. JCEM Case Reports. 2023;21;1:38.
- Zaher Merhi and Marco Mouanness. Intraovarian PRP Injection Improved Hot Flashes in a Woman With Very Low Ovarian Reserve. Reprod Sci. 2022;29:614-619.
- Marco Mouanness and Zaher Merhi and. Use of Intra-uterine Injection of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) for Endometrial Receptivity and Thickness: a Literature Review of the Mechanisms of Action. Reprod Sci. 2021;28:1659-1670.
- Zaher Merhi and Marco Mouanness. Ovarian response to intraovarian platelet-rich plasma (PRP) administration: hypotheses and potential mechanisms of action. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2022;39:37-61.